What does Garage Gym Approved mean?

Garage Gym Approved is a symbol and a shield that signifies resilience.  

Once you have the ProFIT Strength adjustable dumbbells and fitness equipment then you are on track to stay as fit, and most likely become more fit and even stronger than you would have been had you continued along with your past gym membership. Or if you have always had a garage gym then you know what it takes to overcome the pull of your couch to get in there and put in the work on bettering yourself.

Best Dumbbells for Garage Gym

Garage Gym Approved stands for being rugged, figuring out a way to get it done one way or another. No excuses.

Concrete, cars, mowers, great! It doesn’t matter, you move that stuff out of the way and make it happen! Let’s go!

No longer do you need to wait for months to spend thousands of dollars to deck out your garage gym with expensive and clunky weight racks or dumbbell sets with dozens of rubber hex dumbbells to feel like you can get a good workout in at your home. No matter what size your garage is or what shape your garage is in, we support you in growing stronger each and every day.

ProFIT Strength knows that you have the motivation and resilience to start your timer and go hard until you are dripping sweat.

Our favorite Garage Gym Approved workout gets started like this:

  • Start the timer on the iPhone to 21+ minutes
  • Turn on Spotify and sync it up to the UE Boom Speaker
  • Throw down the yoga mat on the concrete
  • Pair the adjustable dumbbells with a couple of kettlebells and a 20 lb. slam ball
  • And get after it!

Read about how choosing adjustable dumbbells as your primary investment results in saving you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the long run – Save Money When Buying Adjustable Dumbbells Vs. Regular Dumbbells .

Share your workout with us on Instagram, tag us @profitstrength and use #garagegymapproved and we will highlight your photos on our website.

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About ProFIT Strength

An adventurous soul craves physical fitness and the thrill of experience. You can get your blood pumping with fitness gear that helps you take your exercise to the next level. Live life to the fullest as you get strong and stay strong. E: [email protected]


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