Why Runners Need to Lift

If you want to become a better runner, a day or two in the gym could give you the extra boost you desire.

A recent study found that heavy-weight training improved running efficiency (AKA running economy) and time trial performance.

And that’s not all. Plyometric training also provided additional benefits, although not as much as lifting weights.

Before you think the plan calls for lighter weights and higher reps, the biggest benefits were found when runners went heavy and pushed the intensity. Specifically, runners improved most when training with 90 percent of their maximum weight and training in a range of 1 to 4 repetitions.

If you’re ready to become a stronger runner, make sure you don’t use bodybuilder volume. Most research appears to show that you only need about 2 to 6 sets, performed 2 to 4 times per week for the best outcomes. Just makes sure you’re patient. It will likely take 8 to 10 weeks before you start seeing the improvements.

As runners ourselves we have been thru the ups and downs that come with the challenges of running – injuries, psychological and mental toil, and not feeling motivated. That is why we have embarked on a journey to become stronger my any means necessary while maintaining a healthy balance between strength and cardio. We know first hand why runners need to lift, because putting on a healthy amount of muscle is absolutely life changing when you realize the right mix of weights and running.

Want to get started with a supplement that is ideal for running? Try our Endurance Elite Organic Beetroot Supplement to improve blood flow to vital parts of your body.

If you are trying to put on some extra muscle and feel stronger to implement lifting into your training look to get about 1 oz of protein per 1 lb. of body weight. Consuming high quality protein is critical. Consider Vegan Pea Protein (Chocolate)or Savage Protein


Author Pr0oFITstr_gth21

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